You can expect to access your subject sessions through a combination of online classes, that can be accessed at home, to sessions delivered on campus and in person. This is called blended learning.
We’re lucky to have a large, well equipped campus, which means we can spread our delivery of lessons and workshop sessions across the full week and deliver to smaller class sizes.
Our timetabling of lessons will mean that our Level 3 students can expect to physically be on campus for a minimum of 2 days a week, with a maximum of one day a week delivered online, which you will access at home or in College using our facilities.
All other levels, including our Level 2 students can expect to come into College for the 3 full days a week so we can give face-to-face support. There may be some units of your qualification that will be delivered online; your tutors will talk to you about this.
Online Study
The College utilises multiple learning platforms to give you the best experience when studying online. Your teacher will use Microsoft Teams to provide a platform in which you can access online learning resources, assignments and feedback, self-study modules, communication, and collaboration as well as online lessons.
We use a blended learning delivery model, a style of education in which you will learn via electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face teaching. You will also access Skills Boost, our online platform for improving your soft-skills and other industry and work-related competencies, such as the Essential Digital Skills Program. These modules are independently studied and completed online.

College Study
Over recent years DN Colleges Group has invested £25million in its facilities to ensure students and apprentices’ learning experience is industry leading.
Learners study in very well resourced learning spaces and use high quality specialist equipment and technologies. This helps them to develop relevant skills and knowledge and enhances their understanding of the industries they aspire to work in. Ofsted, March 2022